Out of Stock Products - What do I do?
Author: Chris Konstandinou Date Posted:1 October 2016

The product I wish to buy is out of stock - What do I do?
As the importer for leading brands like SeaSucker, RAM Mounts, Lee's Tackle and Reel Colors we regularly import goods fromm the US. Stock arrives at our warehouse in Cheltenham, Victoria at least once a month. To ensure lead times are kept to a minimum we air freight most shipments. Typical shipping times from the US range from 7 to 10 days.
To ensure we provide the best possible service for our customers our website tracks out of stock "Notify Me" requests. This is an obligation free service by Gear Campus.
If the product you wish to buy is Out Of Stock please click on the product's "Notify Me" button and enter your email address. We use this information to determine which products to give priority. Once the product is placed on order and the arrival date is confirmed you will receive an automated email letting you know when it will arrive. At this point you will be given priority to place a "Pre-Order" with us. This ensures you won't miss out, you will receive advance notification ahead of everyone else.
If the Out Of Stock product you are interetsed in is NOT displaying the "Notify Me" button please Contact Us by completing the form or give us a call on 1300 722 580