SeaSucker Mini Bomber on Lamborghini Murcielago
Author: Chris Konstandinou Date Posted:1 March 2018

Tom Norman and his Lamborghini Murcielago with a SeaSucker Mini Bomber
Tom initially contacted us via our eBay store some months ago. He was looking for a Bike Rack that could accommodate two road bikes or one mountain bike and was capable of working on almost any car. After a brief chat, we invited Tom to pay us a visit out our office in Cheltenham.
The initial scope called for an SUV and a VW Dune Buggy both of which were achieved. Several months later Tom contacted us looking to use his SeaSucker Mini Bomber on a Lamborghini Murcielago. Given the car we knew internal space for the front wheel needed to be addressed. Tom dropped of his bike rack so e could upgrade the SeaSucker Mini Bomber with a pair of Flight Decks, otherwise know as front wheel carriers.
After a few months, Tom sent us these photos pleased with what we had done. It transformed his Supercar into a something more practical only when he needs it. To install the Seasucker Mini Bomber takes less than 2 minutes, removal takes seconds. SeaSucker Vacuum Mounts are non-marking so they won't damage his paintwork.
Thanks Tom for sending the photos and sharing your experience